PHOTO FARM’s mission is to cultivate artistic expression and community.



PHOTO FARM invites artists to create records of our collective and individual experiences. To disconnect for the sake of connection and to embrace in-person exploration.

At PHOTO FARM, we celebrate the reciprocal exchange of knowledge, inspiration and personal histories. We nourish the idea that, in an ever-changing evolution, we are all teachers and students in one lifetime. PHOTO FARM provides the space to be both.

The Staff of PHOTO FARM

Phyllis B. Dooney

Phyllis B. Dooney is a visual storyteller and educator. She was honored in 2019 as one of Photo District News (PDN’s) “30 New and Emerging Photographers.” Her work has appeared in Lightfield Festival, The Daegu Photo Biennale, The Nasher Museum of Art, The New York Times Magazine, Rolling Stone, The New Yorker, The Oxford American and elsewhere.


Rachel Jessen

Rachel Jessen is a documentary photographer telling feminist stories about power, identity, and women’s lives. Her work has been exhibited nationally and internationally, and has been published in editorial outlets like The New York Times, ESPN The Magazine, The Atlantic, The Guardian, NBC News, among others. Rachel is also an educator; she is currently teaching digital photography courses at Meredith College in Raleigh, NC.