Phyllis B. Dooney

Portrait Artist | Instructor | Staff

Bio: Phyllis B. Dooney is a documentary visual storyteller and educator. Phyllis was honored in 2019 as one of Photo District News (PDN’s) “30 New and Emerging Photographers.” In recognition of her ongoing project, “The Vertigo of Time,” she was a 1492/1619 American Aftermaths Grant finalist. Phyllis has an MFA from Duke University’s Experimental & Documentary Arts. Her work has appeared in Lightfield Festival, Click! Photography Festival, The Daegu Photo Biennale, The Nasher Museum of Art, The New York Times Magazine, American Photo, The Atlantic, ESPN, Rolling Stone, The New Yorker, Bloomberg Businessweek, Prison Photography, The Oxford American and elsewhere. She was awarded first place for The Center’s Editor’s Choice Prize in 2015 and was runner-up in British Journal of Photography’s Breakthrough Awards 2017. Her first photography book, published by Kehrer Verlag in 2017, Gravity is Stronger Here, was awarded honorable mention for The Center for Documentary Studies’ Dorothea Lange-Paul Taylor Prize.

Photo © Haoyang Zhao




Harlan Campbell